Saturday, December 28, 2019
Leonardo Da Vinci s The Last Supper And Mona Lisa
According to, the article about the writer, mathematician, inventor, and artist Leonardo da Vinci states that, â€Å"Leonardo da Vinci was a leading artist ad intellectual of the Italian Renaissance who’s known for his enduring works â€Å"The Last Supper†and â€Å"Mona Lisa††. Leonardo da Vinci was born in Vinci, Italy on April 15, 1452. He was born out of wedlock being raised by his father Ser Piero along with his stepmothers. Leonardo da Vinci was into the laws of science and nature, which played a major role with him becoming a painter, sculptor, inventor, and draftsman. He influenced various artists which made him the â€Å"Leading Light†of the Italian Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci’s style was more of a â€Å"right to left Italian style†, according to He wrote short handedly using a technique in which he invented himself. â€Å"He usually used â€Å"mirror writing†, starting from the righ t side of the page and moving to the left†. There are multiple assumptions that people have come across into why Leonardo da Vinci used the left to right mirroring writing technique. Some say that, one reason that he attempted to make it harder for people to read his notes was so that individuals could not steal his ideas. Leonardo da Vinci (April 15, 1452-May 2, 1519) was different from most painters but according to, he was influenced by â€Å"the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans†. At the age of 14, he was being taught and trained by Verrocchio, biography.comShow MoreRelatedThe Great Artists And Inventors During The 15th And 16th Century1263 Words  | 6 Pagesmany great artists and inventors during the 15th and 16th century, but none of them are not as great or as known as Leonardo Da Vinci. Leonardo Da Vinci’s intelligence allowed him to create and invent things that none of the other inventors could make or even think of. Da Vinci painted some of the most magnificent and priceless paintings such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Da Vinci was also an inventor; he would write down all of his ideas and test some of the out. Some of these inventions playRead MoreEssay on The Renaissance: Visual Analysis1515 Words  | 7 Pagespainters and sculptors. The period towards the end of the fifteenth century was known as the High Renaissance. It was the apex of artistic innovations, techniques, and productions. The height of the Renaissance period came in the form of Raphael, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Michelangelo, who were the best-known artists of the time. Artworks produced during this time contain characteristics of geometric simplicity, harmony, and balance for compositional designs that are not only portrayed in paintings, butRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci : The Mona Lisa And The Last Supper1376 Words  | 6 PagesLeonardo Da Vinci Leonardo Da Vinci happened to be a painter, architect, inventor, and student of pretty much all things scientific. He happened to cross so many disciplines he epitomized the name of  ¨Renaissance man. ¨ If you ask people about him, most people will recognize him for his art, especially two paintings that are remaining as the worlds most admired and most famous, The Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. A fun fact about Leonardo Da Vinci is that he was self-taught. He also had dozens ofRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci And The Renaissance Period1455 Words  | 6 PagesLeonardo Da Vinci once said,†the painter who draws merely by practice and by eye, without any reason, is like a mirror which copies everything placed in front of it without being conscious of their existence.†Who would have thought that this rural boy would become one of the world’s greatest mind and artist? Leonardo Da Vinci was born on April 14, 1452 in the town of Vinci near Florence Italy. He lived during the fifteenth century, a period when the people of Europe were becoming interested inRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci : Artist Or Scientist?1924 Words  | 8 PagesTHOUSAND WORDS ESSAY ON LEONARDO DA VINCI. IS LEONARDO da VINCI AN ARTIST OR SCIENTIST? It is being debated whether Leonard da Vinci is an artist or scientist. Leonardo da Vinci is both an artist and a scientist according to his drawings and manuscripts left behind by him. Leonardo’s works I will be looking at are â€Å"the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, the annunciation, Leonardo as an anatomist, Da Vinci as an astronomer, his codex’s and his manuscripts†. I consider Leonardo da Vinci to be both an artistRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci vs. Michelangelo Buonarroti Essay873 Words  | 4 PagesLeonardo da Vinci vs. Michelangelo Buonarroti Linda Williams Art 101 Instructor: Anne Olden April 9th, 2012 1. Thesis statement a. Michelangelo’s sculpting of David, the Pieta, as well as his painting of the Creation of Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel was some of his great works that influenced the art of the 16th century; Leonardo da Vince also contributed great works such as; the Last Supper, the Mona Lisa, and the Modonna of the Rocks. 2. David a. Michelangelo wasRead MoreDa Vinci : A Genius And The Definition Of A Renaissance Man1326 Words  | 6 PagesDa Vinci has been called a genius and the definition of a Renaissance man. â€Å"Renaissance man†as â€Å"A man who has broad intellectual interests and is accomplished in areas of both the arts and the sciences.†This is a term still used today, and its derivation is obvious. Many people in the Fourteenth to Sixteenth Centuries were skillful artists and scientists, but Leonardo da Vinci was the quintessential Renaissance man†. His talents without a doubt extended far beyond his artistic works. Like manyRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci : The Greatest Thinkers1201 Words  | 5 PagesLeonardo da Vinci is one of the greatest thinkers in all of history. He has many skills and he has mastered everything from art, to science and engineering. He lived during a time filled with other brilliant people. The achievements that he has made in his lifetime were un imaginable and so advanced for his time period, that many of his ideas were not taken seriously until modern times. Leonardo da Vinci was born in April 15, 1452 in the Republic of Florence. He was the illegitimate son of a FlorentineRead MoreLeonardo Da Vinci : A Man Behind His Time Essay1751 Words  | 8 PagesLeonardo da Vinci was a great inventor, scientist, engineer, architect, and artist, as well as possibly the greatest mind the world has ever –and possibly will ever- know. Leonardo da Vinci, if he were alive today, could quite possibly rival Stephen Hawking. Leonardo da Vinci was a man ahead of his time. He drew machines that we are still trying to figure out today, and he drew gears and systems that work in machines today. His drawing of anatomy helps doctors today, including his drawings of theRead MoreThe Greatness Of Leonardo Da Vinci Essay910 Words  | 4 Pages The Greatness of Leonardo da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci is known as one of the greatest artiest and scientist of our time. He was a famous artist, architect, musician and scientist. He was one of the first to take a scientific style towards understanding how our world works and how we see it. While critically influenced by the writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans, Leonardo, unlike many of his colleagues, saw the limitations of seeking the truth solely in those writings or the Bible (Leonardo’s
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Essay on The Deportation of Acadians - 1408 Words
Colonists from France came to Canada and settled in Acadia also known as present day east coast colonies during the seventeenth century. The name given to the French colonists from the time of arrival to Canada was the â€Å"Acadians†. The Acadians from France continued their formal lifestyle by farming, fishing and maintaining a close family oriented culture in Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick. The Acadians had created a prosperous agriculture economy up until the late eighteenth century, when there was a colonial struggle in power between the French and the British. British had conquered Port Royal and the Acadians refused to recognize British rule, wanting to keep their religious freedom and not wanting to†¦show more content†¦Activities such as fishing, mining, and agriculture were ways in which the east coast had an abundant of resources. Fish, salt and livestock were the food the Acadian’s relied on for survival, so it w as important that enough resources were available in the East coast. There was a direct route for due to the geographic location of their settlement being right on the coast line. They resided close to the Bay of Fundy making it easier for them to trade with others coming into the colony. By living close to waterways the Acadians were able to make a living by trading with other colonies and continue providing their families with food and resources for a formal lifestyle. Geographically, Nova Scotia was a great place for their agriculture and in which it boosted their economy. Therefore Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick were lands where the Acadians could continue the lifestyles and continue to provide for their families due to the fertile soils making agriculture and livestock an easy transition from former life. The economies were able to increase with resources being so profitable and promising. The British and French colonies were struggling with colonial powers but the British conquered and rising tensions begun. The British colonies thought the land the Acadians inhabited important land to Great Britain’s colonial advancement. Therefore British needed to exile them as far away as possible. The deportation was seen as aShow MoreRelatedAcadians925 Words  | 4 Pagesof the Acadians in the Eyes of the British Officials Miranda Pittman 0574359 HIST 1405 Dr. Darren Ferry Tuesday October 16, 2012 Pittman 2 Charles Lawrence, Governor of the province of Nova Scotia made the decision of deporting the Acadians and his major superiors thought it was an intelligent dispatch [...] (Griffiths, 128). There are many different reasons to why the British Officials went through with this deportation. The British Officials conducted the expulsion of the Acadians betweenRead MoreRoyal Proclamation Essay1514 Words  | 7 Pagesa new colony on Cape Breton Island and built the Fortress of Louisbourg. Deportation of The Acadians (1755-1762) The Governor of Nova Scotia, Colonel Charles Lawrence, believed that his colony was under threat from the French forces in the east and north, along with the Acadians living in the colony. In 1755, Lawrence asked the Acadians to swear an unconditional oath to remain loyal to the British crown, however the Acadians still decided to stay neutral. Feeling threatened, Lawrence and the NovaRead MoreSettlement in the Canadian Maritime Provinces Essay2560 Words  | 11 Pageswas not merely the settlement of a few fur traders.†The Acadians were â€Å"a pastoral-like people who once formed a proud nation in a land called Acadia.†Although falling under the jurisdiction of â€Å"New France,†the Acadians governed separately than the rest of the country and were an independent entity within New France. Today, â€Å"the Acadians are the French speaking population of the Canadian Maritime provinces,†and these are the Acadians that were not displaced during the expulsions, under BritishRead MoreThe Articles Of The Draft Of Capitulation1687 Words  | 7 Pagesprotection from the laws and transportation of Acadians. It is important, to recognize that the capitulation of Montreal was only five years after the deportation of the Acadians from Nova Scotia. Perhaps the menacing and disloyal image of Acadians in the British imagination endured. However, the social situation of the period can be a reinforcing principle to understand the British’s position. Interestingly, in the autumn of 1759, fifteen hundred Acadians succeeded in reaching Quebec. However theirRead MoreAshamed Of Canada877 Words  | 4 Pagesidea, whereas Granastein’s article is devoid of content and makes a weak appeal to emotion. Noah mentions â€Å"the experience of Africadians, and the slaves and black United Empire Loyalists who preceded them†, â€Å"the grand derangement or deportation, in 1755, of Acadians that was a first act of ethnic cleansing†and â€Å"the persistently criminal abuse, maltreatment and insufficient resourcing of First Nations has to prompt†(par.5) in parallelism form, which sounds full of fervor. These sentences not only
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Tent Pole Blockbuster Titanic Essay Example For Students
Tent Pole Blockbuster Titanic Essay Titanic appeals to everyone in a certain age group. This is known as a tent pole film. A tent pole film is a four quadrant movie that attracts all four of the general quadrants of the movie going audience. According to an article on film website Indiewire, the four quadrants of the audience all have very specific needs concerning the content of a film. Typical females under 25 like films where a girl falls in love, with decent romance scenes. Females over 25 prefer doomed love and triumphs of the human spirit. On the other hand, males under 25 like explosions, blood, poop jokes and sex, but not in a romantic way. Males over 25 like darker films, classic genres such as westerns and war movies. Throughout the film, the theme of love is presented, which capture females under 25’s attention, between Jack and Rose. The director focused on a fictional love story which draws a huge audience to watch this film instead of a boring historical movie that is just based on the history of Titanic. The scene of which Jack dies ends up being one of the most emotionally powerful scene which shatters young females emotion, giving them the feeling that Jack sacrifices himself to save his love of his life, Rose. This particular scene is one of the most touching, it has the ability to melt a million girl’s hearts over Jack’s death. Also having an insanely handsome actor such as Leonardo Dicaprio, appear in the film helps grab young female audiences to watch the film by obsessing over a celebrity crush. Study shows that females over 25 hates seeing child in danger, therefore Titanic has created a safe environment where they put a lot of effort towards keeping child being safe. For example, when the ship’s beginning to stinks, A crew worker asked Captain Smith who should be allow to evacuate on the dinghies, the captain explicitly issued an order for women and children to be saved first, which enforce protection regarding to childrens safety. Another example was when Cal saw a little girl crying behind the barriers all on her own, he ignore her at first, but as the movie continues Cal showed humility and went back to save the little girls life, in addition of his own skin. Nevertheless, it does illustrate children being saved. On the other hand, Males under 25 pay much more attention towards action with the realistic contents. The director did this by adding intense action scene as soon as the ship hits the iceberg, the amount of speed, death and harm was caused during the scene when the ship was about to fully over stink. Cameron created a blurred line between reality and illusion where he did an excellent job distinguishing different types of deaths, such as painless death, where people stay in their own cabin drifting off to sleep, horror death, where some people got shot by the crew workers, long angle shot leading death, where it show bodies dropping from a high angle into the water and electric death where crew workers get shock from the electric by trying to shut the ship down. This creates action within the film where it quickly exhaust young male audience base because they tend to ignore the fact that it’s a real event which is supposed to be historical . Young males also admire watching sexual contents, therefore the director forced on a elegant nude scene where audiences can see Rose modelling, naked half naked lying down on a couch wearing a necklace as Jack draws the portrait. Older men aged over 25 are more interested in historical contents. .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c , .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .postImageUrl , .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c , .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c:hover , .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c:visited , .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c:active { border:0!important; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c:active , .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue3e293e4286e96428fa1b437e4e07d6c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Exploring Transitions in Educating Rita EssayThey rather learn about the captain to find out about why he was going too fast, hearing about the engineering and wanting historical truth. The director provides an overview of the period time from the late 20th century through the film, he used many historical perspectives on what actually happened during the whole event for instance Captain Smith and the story of the band who continued playing as the ship sank, all of whom lost their lives. Titanic was an effective tent pole film. Titanic represents perfect property due to budget growth from commercial soundtrack â€Å"My heart will go on by Celine Dion†, publicity, and promotion with entertainment industry news, and box office. For example Pearl Harbour is known as an epic historical American war film however according to reviewers, Pearl Harbour has no sense of history, strategy or context. Pearl Harbour tried to do exactly the same thing as Titanic such as big budget, historical tragedies, good looking actors, love and action but at the end, it was pretty widely condemned by critics and audiences. In the film Titanic, the director has shown a huge contrasting divide between rich and poor passengers. He related this portrayal primarily among the two main characters, Rose and Jack. Throughout most of the film, James Cameron represents the rich as oppressive, rude and arrogant while the poor are seen as joyful, brave and wise. Around the beginning of the film, poor people have to go through a health inspection before they are allowed in the ship, whereas the rich just go straight on board from their fancy gold car, because they were wealthy they would not have any health condition. Also during the beginning, rich people are able to walk comfortably on board with their pets and get friendly greetings from the crew workers in a personal white ram that has a label saying â€Å"For passenger traffic only. †This means that the ram is only for royal passengers. However the poor people are stuffed together, trying to get in with their belongings before the ship leaves. This shows the difference between the historical accuracy towards rich and poor people that were treated during 1912. In the middle of the film, Rose finally understands that poor people were ten times happier than the rich people. Cameron displays this by contrasting the differences between rich and poor during each party that Rose and Jack attend. Rich people are portrayed as boring and ignorant, they spend their time greeting others and talking about business and politics while smoking and drinking alcohol. For example, when Jack was invited to the Rose expensive dinner, He learnt to greet others politely but soon as Cal and Rose’s mother came down from the stairs, Cal was being a total jerk by ignoring Jack which symbolizes that all the rich people on the ship. He is the upper classes. On the other hand, poor people were entertaining, vivacious and caring, instead of doing nothing all day like the rich people, poor people were more alive where theyre surrounded in warm lighting dancing to Irish genre instrumental together with full of enjoyment and laughter. Cameron has created this division intentionally for the audience because it makes the story appeal more real estate where he made poor look good and rich look like terrible, to portray artificial divide between good and evil/rich. Audiences tend to not focus about who’s good or bad. They dont like complexity or moral grey areas, they prefer how it feel to get swept away. On the occasion, Titanic exhibit that rich people has greater benefit than the poor people. In particular when Titanic hit the iceberg, the poor people in the lower class were the first one to be affected due to the wet ground because their accommodation were near the bottom of the ship. Also, when the lower class people tried to escape there were many rats running, this means that the lower class passengers live in a bad condition environment. The huge disadvantage towards the lower classes was the amount of support they had, since it was hard for them to find their way to the top. .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b , .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .postImageUrl , .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b , .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b:hover , .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b:visited , .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b:active { border:0!important; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b:active , .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9c29be4d246a284422ce234ffef8ad3b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The film American Beauty EssayCameron added scenes where they were locked in their own deck when the ship begins to stink while the first class passengers were able to escape first. First class passengers were physically closer up the top therefore it was easier to get to the lifeboats than the lower classes, giving them quicker way access. In addition, when the ship started to stink, Cameron no longer presents equality among the rich and poor classes together. For instance when Cal shoved money into Captain Murdoch coal to get him safe on the lifeboat, Murdoch quickly and without thinking rejects his offer and walked off. Later on when Cal demanded the captain his deal, the captain grabbed the money from his pocket and threw it on Cal face and said â€Å"Your money cant save you anymore that can save me. †This shows that being able to live is much more important that money, since money cannot buy you everything and theres time where money is meaningless and not powerful. Comparison between rich and poor was shown through how poor people are more considerate of others since they know how tough life can get while rich people believe that money can get them anywhere. Bibliography: tent polef=false
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
An Imaginative Exploration of Same Love free essay sample
How and why is a social group represented in a particular way? Throughout history, revolution has been sparked by the influence of social change. Humans are clever, finding dozens of ways to adjust an unsatisfactory establishment into an adequate alternative. With methods ranging from strict non violence to genocide, and producing such change as radical transformation in government or sudden, fundamental shifts in public opinion on social issues. Today, Americans in the United States find themselves in the midst of a new revolution; the equality and acceptance of the homosexual community. Like all revolutions, there are many influential figures who affect this revolution through their actions and prominence in any given movement. In this essay, the music video for the song, â€Å"Same Love†by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis, will be analyzed in order to show how the homosexual community is represented by Macklemore in order to gain public support and empathy for their cause. The music video for same love follows the life of a boy, from birth to old age, as he faces the trials and tribulations of a gay person throughout three major stages of his life and sexual identity; adolescence, adulthood, and finally old age. These three stages are used to not only represent common issues in the homosexual community, but also show the underlying similarities between the homosexual community’s wants and desires with those of the heterosexual community. In the first stanza of the song, the viewer is introduced to a teenager (for brevities sake we will call him Charlie) partaking in activities one would expect of someone his age; Playing football outside with his father, attending church, and going to parties with his friends. Charlie seems to be a normal kid. The camera cuts to a party. There is a group of racially ambiguous teenagers sitting around a bottle a young woman had just spun. The stops pointed at Charlie. Charlie laughs with his friends but something is wrong, Charlie looks down and rubs the back of his head. It is obvious he is uncomfortable. Charlie is then seen walking up stairs, away from the party, locking himself in a room. It is at this point the chorus (sung by Mary Lambert) begins, â€Å"And I can’t change, even if I tried†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The viewer now realizes that young Charlie is gay. We follow Charlie through the entire chorus and part way through the second stanza. Charlie is seen having fun but whenever a romantic couple situation arises he looks unhappy and alone. Charlie is seen looking hard in the mirror, analyzing himself, who he is. The director of this video is very deliberate with how he wants young Charlie to be portrayed. Charlie is made to look as a happy normal adolescent in public but forlorn when alone. The director does this to represent the young, closeted men of the homosexual community. There are two major messages the director wants to get across; one, the only difference between gay people and straight people is sexual orientation. And two, society is responsible for the unnecessary grief homosexuals feel which causes depression in thousands of teenagers in the United States. The first message is addressed by using Charlie as a generalized example of a person who is gay. Charlie does all of the activities we would expect a normal teenager to do, Charlie dresses and looks like any other teenager, and finally Charlie has feelings like any other teenager. The director hopes that the act of giving the issue a face instead of leaving it as an abstract idea because, quite frankly, most Americans can not relate to the grievances of this minority. This tactic follows the same logic as the saying, â€Å"One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic†, if the audience focuses on the woes of a single person then it is much easier for the people at home to empathize. The second is accomplished by using Macklemore’s lyrics as the primary focus of the viewer while showing film that is passive in order for the viewer to focus on the meaning of the lyrics. For example, Macklemore when says, â€Å"If I was gay, I’d think hip hop hates me †video of Charlie is shown. However Charlie is not actually doing anything. He is the focus of the camera but does not make any active movements or facial expressions which would distract from the words. The viewer is now free to consider the meaning of the words. Macklemore does not mean hip hop as a genre of music, no, he is talking about hip hop culture. This speaks specifically to his fan base as it corresponds with his style of music. Hip Hop is known for being stereotypically homophobic. Macklemore continues to say â€Å"have you seen the YouTube comments lately? †this speaks to yet another subculture, internet users. The YouTube community is vast and is quickly becoming the face of new media with hundreds of personalities and literally millions of users. This advanced new technology is quickly juxtaposed by the unsophisticated nature of the comments. It is a vulgar and malicious battleground of verbal attacks of anonymous internet users. Macklemore places blame on both the YouTube community and hip hop culture. Most of Macklemore’s general audience can relate to at least one of these groups and are known being consistently progressive. Because of the overall progressiveness of these groups, the members of them can become unaware of conduct that is derogatory of the gay community. By doing this the artist makes the young audience of their own mistakes and creates the incentive to rectify their actions. It places responsibility on his established supporters to advocate for gay rights. The second stage of Charlie’s sexual identity is adulthood. He has a stable job, has come out of the closet, found a partner (We will refer him to him as Garth). He seems to have moved on from the unhappiness he felt in his teenage years and is finally living happily with his partner. Charlie and Garth are seen walking into a house to have dinner with his parents. It is obvious his parents are religious, they hold hands and saying grace, and Charlie’s mother crosses herself. The parents do not seem too pleased to hear about Charlie and Garth’s relationship. Charlie is sad because of his parent’s disapproval, but accepts it to maintain his relationship. He has evolved as a person and realizes that living for other people is exhausting and ultimately unfulfilling. This gloomy mood shifts dramatically as Charlie and Garth experience pure joy in each others company. They jump into river and go swimming together, they hold hands in public, and sit at home listening to records. All of the things you would expect from any couple in love. And even though people might look at the couple differently, or even threaten them physically, they just brush it off, ignore it, and continue living their lives. Eventually, Garth proposes to Chris and they have the cliche church wedding idealized by many couples lean towards when planning a wedding. They are married and kiss at the altar in front of all their friends. The couple is overwhelmed with happiness at the reception as they dance and celebrate with all of the people who support their lifestyle and accept them for who they are. It is truly a heartwarming sight. This scene cuts in between the celebration and shows Charlie once again, as a teenager to show the extent of his development as a person then cuts back to the couple. In this section of the song the director makes a point to represent a second group of the homosexual community, the openly gay men of the United States trying to live their lives like everyone else. He portrays Charlie as a mature adult who no longer tortures himself by seeking the acceptance of his peers or family, rather, he has accepted who he is to himself and has decided to do his very best to make himself happy. The reason the director chose to represent this group this way was because it; one, shows the audience how unthreatening they are. And two, highlights the similarities between homosexual and heterosexual couples. The first is a very important point to get across to those who are against gay marriage. One of the main arguments the opposition uses to counter the support is that gay people are a threat to the traditional family and they are a threat to the institution of marriage. The video shows this gay couple and it is made apparent that the only agenda on these two peoples minds is the pursuit of happiness. The only thing these two men ask is that their inalienable right not be infringed. Some members of the audience may never have actually seen a gay couple and do not understand this fact. Showing it on video may change the way they view these people. The second is very important as well and concerns the same people in the audience that the director was trying to reach in the first. By highlighting the similarities like holding hands or simply enjoying each others company, it makes the couple more relatable. The more similarities a person has with another, the more understanding said person will be of the other. And finally old age. The director is very poetic in the sense that the exact same shot of the light in the hospital that is used at the beginning of the video when Charlie is born is used to introduce Charlie, in a hospital, on his deathbed. Charlie is laying down with his eyes closed and Garth is right there by his side, holding his hand just as Charlie’s mother held his at birth. The final image of the elderly couple, holding hands, proudly wearing their wedding rings, fades into white. The final message the director wanted to get across was the genuine love these two men felt for each other. He did this by showing the couple together until the very end, the commitment these two had for one another is unquestionable. It dismisses the notion one might have of their relationship being based completely on lust. Ultimately it shows that the love is real and silences any naysayer. It completely validates the reason for supporting gay rights. At the end of the day the title says it all. A gay couple is no different from a straight couple. Homosexuals deserve the right to pursue happiness in the same way a heterosexual would. We share the same desires, the same needs, the same feelings, the same love.
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